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Paradise Turns into Disaster! Freak Storm in the Middle of the Night! Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 270
We're on a Deserted Island...AND Keeping a Failure Secret! Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 269
Boat Life: What it's like to sail yourself to a Tropical Island - Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 266
Try It Before You Buy It! - Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures Ep. 271
Do You Really Want the Cruising Lifestyle? Come Try It! - Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 268
Ep. 161, 🥳 New Family Member!
When Nightmares Come True...We Get Hit by a HURRICANE! - Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 199
Life is Better on the Water! Step by Step to The Bahamas! - Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 235
The Problems Continue! And our SWEET Ride! - Lazy Gecko Sailing VLOG 221
We CRASH the Boat and then go RV'ing! - Lazy Gecko Sailing Ep. 259
What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?! - Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures
New Crew: Can She Handle It? Lazy Gecko Sailing & Adventures Ep. 267